Sunday, May 27, 2012

6,000 Words

So, I haven’t posted in forever, and, if you had already noticed that, bless you! I’m sure my little-read blog has not been missed by many.

Regardless, my computer time has shifted enormously of late. Since my Nook and iPhone have entered my life, I don’t fire up the laptop with quite the same regularity, and I suppose my blog-sharing has changed as a result.

I digress… (I also have become keenly aware that “idigress” likely should have been my blog name!)

When I have been on the computer lately, I have been going through old pictures, putting them all on an external hard drive – the modern-day equivalent of an acid-packed, peel-away photo album from the '80s. I wanted to share a few of the pictorial treasures with you:

Here’s my sweet baby boy exactly 10 years and 1 month ago:

Today, he's looking the 5th grade square in the face and wants to be an author when he grows up. (He's also unloading the dishwasher as I type. Rest assured he's doing it with great drama and resentment. Sigh.)

Here is the same boy's self-portrait, made just a few weeks ago in art class at school:

It cracks me up that there is actually a similarity here -- between the sweet baby and this preteen watercolor. For more on his art, he will be representing Renoir at his elementary school's 4th-grade "Art Museum" this Thursday. His ensemble is complete with frilly shirt and beret.

Here are the boys and I eight years ago in Las Colinas, Texas:

It seems like a million years ago, and yet that's still exactly what I look like. I still wear that watch and, ashamedly, own those same capris. No fashionista comments please. How come those boys have changed so much?

See? These boys of mine don't look the same. Neither does my niece. She's a college graduate as of two weeks ago. When did that happen?

On a total aside, the picture in Las Colinas represents the same trip when Bear Bear was born at the Build-a-Bear Workshop. Note that Bear Bear is still around and going strong. In truth, I think he's gotten better at spelling this year than Son #2.

Here's another family shot with Bear Bear:

I'm a bit embarrassed to notice he's wearing the same pants that he's wearing in this picture from five years ago. I really should look into his wardrobe a bit. Then again, I haven't gotten new pants. Why should he?

Also, I love Metro's lip in this picture. He's sporting a mustache now. I haven't seen his upper lip in ever so long. It looks nice.

Here's Son #2 at three months old before he even knew Bear Bear:

There was a baby in church this morning with this much hair -- or without this much hair. Bald as a billiard ball. I couldn't stop watching him. So many memories wrapped up in that shiny, hairless head.

Thanks for coming with me on this trip down memory lane. We should visit like this more often.