This show about the nerdiest group of physicist friends has been on CBS for nearly 5 years, but, when Metro Jethro and I got the TiVo last fall, we only just discovered them. Now, we’re hooked. They are cooky and funny – and somehow exactly true to life. From Raj’s mis-matched, Indian fashion sense to the spectrum – You know the one I mean… – upon which Sheldon clearly exists, this superhero-loving foursome has been paradoxically placed in Southern California.
In truth, a blog about this show really doesn’t do it justice. Its charm and wit has to be experienced firsthand. Has to. Like you have to see the Grand Canyon or the Pacific Ocean to really “get” them.
Maybe I was too big of a nerd in high school. Or maybe I’m fashion-challenged, totally enamored with ethnic take-out, and genuinely touched by a buxom blonde who gives a real shot to the weirdo who ALWAYS wears a hoodie.
Maybe. Or maybe this show is just stinking funny.
Anyway, they aired their 100th epidsode last night, and I am stinking excited to watch it. It’s safely tucked away on my TiVo, awaiting a child-free, wine-sipping moment later tonight.
For those of you who need a trailer to get hooked, here’s some of their riveting dialogue:
Knock. Knock. Knock. “Penny.” Knock. Knock. Knock. “Penny.” Knock. Knock. Knock. “Penny.”